Here is the page to get to know our doctor a bit more, From His educational attainment, to work experiences, Places he visits, Conferences he attended, Research and publication made to name a few.
Here is the page to get to know our doctor a bit more, From His educational attainment, to work experiences, Places he visits, Conferences he attended, Research and publication made to name a few.
Aenean cursus fermentum euismod. Cras sodales nibh sed egestas adipiscing. Vestibulum sit amet eros sapien. Vestibulum quis dapibus sem. Fusce a lacinia nisl. Mauris sagittis egestas justo. Praesent tempus quis nibh nec imperdiet.
Passing the second and final MD ( Doctorate) examination.
[/icon_timeline_feat][icon_timeline_item time_title=”8th of May 1985″]
Submitting and acceptance of MD ( Doctorate) thesis in front of Board of Examiners as partial fulfillment to the final MD examination.
[/icon_timeline_item][icon_timeline_item time_title=”18th of January 1982″]
Registration of MD (Doctorate) thesis in partial fulfillment to the final MD examination.
[/icon_timeline_item][icon_timeline_item time_title=”1st of May 1980″]
Mastership in Dermatology and Venereology, after passing the second part examination.
[/icon_timeline_item][icon_timeline_item time_title=”3rd of May 1979″]
Submitting and acceptance of Mastership thesis in front of Board of Exeminers in partial fulfillment to the MSc. final examination.
[/icon_timeline_item][icon_timeline_item time_title=”1st of March 1976- 28th of February 1977″]
Internship in Cairo University Hosp..( Kasr El- Aini).
[/icon_timeline_item][icon_timeline_item time_title=”1st of December 1975″]
MB Bch, Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University, Egypt.
The most common techniques for lip augmentation involve placement of a temporary filler substance into the lips. Traditionally, the only filler substance available had been collagen, but today a number of more exciting options are available.
Mesotherapy is a technique, invented in 1952 by Dr. Michel Pistor, where medication is injected into the dermis which is the middle layer of skin. Over the past 50+ years, in excess of 15,000 physicians world-wide have used Mesotherapy on a daily basis for a variety of purposes, including overall weight loss, spot weight reduction, cellulite reduction, hair loss, scar revision and wrinkle elimination.
Botox is the trade name of Botulinum Toxin Type A. When injected into the muscles of the forehead, Botox blocks the nerve impulses that cause frown lines. In effect, the action of frowning is stopped, and frown lines diminish dramatically.
Chemical Peels have been used for decades to revitalize and resurface skin. They involve applying a chemical solution to remove the damaged outer layers of skin and reveal a younger, clearer, more radiant complexion. They are commonly performed on the face, chest and hands
Microdermabrasion greatly enhances poor, dull skin texture by gently resurfacing the topmost skin layers. Tiny, medical-grade crystals are vacuumed across the outer surface of the skin, stimulating the underlying epidermial layers. This promotes generation of new collagen which thickens the dermis and improves resistance to the effects of aging.
Although stretch marks resemble scars, they actually aren’t. Instead, stretch marks appear the way they do because the upper layer of skin is laying over gaps in the lower layer of skin that have been created by stretched or torn elastin fibers. These unsightly marks often appear following rapid gains in body size that abruptly stretch the skin. Stretch marks often originally appear as bands of wrinkled skin, starting out as pink, red, or purple streaks, and then later becoming silvery white.
There are many different kinds of scars, but all scars occur as part of the skin’s healing process when subjected to injury.
Not every scar can be reduced or removed, but with the help of lasers, many can be improved. It is very important that the original injury is fully healed prior to considering any treatment.
Skin tags, otherwise known as achrochordon, are soft, skin-colored growths that hang from the surface of the skin on thin pieces of tissue called stalks. They are not any form of skin cancer, and do not have the potential to become skin cancer, either.
Skin tags are most commonly found on men and women aged 60 or older, and are quite often found on women after pregnancy. They can also be inherited from other family members. Removal procedures in the past have included freezing or lancing, but with laser removal, there is far less chance of scarring. A high-powered, high-intensity laser pulse can remove your skin tags within minutes.
Brown spots that appear on the skin are known by many names: sunspots, age spots, liver spots, and freckles.
A few scattered freckles on the face might be considered cute, but when years of sun damage begin to add up, the results are anything but. Most pigmented lesions can be directly attributed to overexposure to the sun’s damaging ultraviolet rays. Preventative measures should always be taken by using sunscreen and avoiding the sun. This won’t correct any damage already done, but it can help keep pigment problems from getting any worse.
Spider veins are small, thin capillaries that lie close to the surface of the skin. They are connected to a larger venous system, though they are not an essential part of it since they do not actually carry blood to the heart. While spider veins and flushed skin don’t usually indicate a major medical problem, most people would be happy to be rid of them. Unfortunately, spider veins won’t disappear on their own, but advanced treatment is available to easily and safely remove them.
Spider veins and varicose veins are often lumped together, but they are actually very different conditions. Varicose veins are caused by faulty valves in the venous system, creating twisted and swollen veins. Varicose veins are larger, darker and tend to bulge with a rope-like texture on the skin’s surface. Varicose veins are also more likely to cause pain and be related to more serious vein disorders.
In contrast, spider veins are smaller and closer to the skin’s surface in a branch-like or linear formation. Treatment of varicose veins is generally considered outside the realm of cosmetic surgery and patients are often referred to a vascular surgeon.
Consultant Dermatology, Andrology & STDs to Almana General Hospital. Locum ( One day date clinic.)
[/info_list_item][info_list_item list_title=”February 2002″ list_icon=”Defaults-circle” animation=”pulse” info_list_link_apply=”icon”]
Consultant Dermatology, Andrology & STDs to Al Esteqlal Medical Centre, Sanad, Bahrain Date.
[/info_list_item][info_list_item list_title=”April 2001″ list_icon=”Defaults-circle” animation=”pulse” info_list_link_apply=”icon”]
Consultant Dermatology, Andrology & STDs to Bahrain Defence Force Hospital, Bahrain July 2004 Locum ( One day Clinic)
[/info_list_item][info_list_item list_title=”July 1996″ list_icon=”Defaults-circle” animation=”pulse” info_list_link_apply=”icon”]
Consultant Dermatology, Andrology & STDs to Al-Khobar Clinics, Al-Khobar, Saudi Arabia. November 2002.
[/info_list_item][info_list_item list_title=”30th of July 1991″ list_icon=”Defaults-circle” animation=”pulse” info_list_link_apply=”icon”]
Consultant, Dermatology, Andrology and to Sexually Transmitted Diseases. June 1996 Gulf Medical Center, Al-Khobar, Saudi Arabia.
[/info_list_item][info_list_item list_title=”30th of May 1989″ list_icon=”Defaults-circle” animation=”pulse” info_list_link_apply=”icon”]Clinical Lecturer, Department of Dermatology to King Faisal University ( Dammam) and King
July 1996 Fahad University Hospital, Al-Khobar, Saudi Arabia.[/info_list_item][info_list_item list_title=”18th of November 1988″ list_icon=”Defaults-circle” animation=”pulse” info_list_link_apply=”icon”]
First Specialist; in Dermatology, Andrology to and Sexually Transmitted Diseases Clinics. 29th of July 1991 Gulf Medical Center, Al-Khobar, Saudi Arabia.
[/info_list_item][info_list_item list_title=”1st of March 1984″ list_icon=”Defaults-circle” animation=”pulse” info_list_link_apply=”icon”]
Assistant Specialist, Dept. of Dermatology to at King Fahad University Hospital, 18th of Novemver 1988 Al- Khobar Saudi Arabia.
[/info_list_item][info_list_item list_title=”1st of November 1983″ list_icon=”Defaults-circle” animation=”pulse” info_list_link_apply=”icon”]
Resident in the Department of Dermatology to at King Fahad University Hospital, Al-Khobar 28th of February 1984 Saudi Arabia.
[/info_list_item][info_list_item list_title=”15th of February 1983″ list_icon=”Defaults-circle” animation=”pulse” info_list_link_apply=”icon”]
Attachment in the Department of Andrology to Sexology and Sexually Transmitted Diseases,15th of October 1983 Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University. ( It included 12 clinics per week and six hours course daily)
[/info_list_item][info_list_item list_title=”15th of February 1983″ list_icon=”Defaults-circle” animation=”pulse” info_list_link_apply=”icon”]
University Hospital, Al-Khobar, Saudi Arabia. ( The idea of this clinic was mine and it was a pioneering idea. It was the first to render such a service in the Kingdom)
[/info_list_item][info_list_item list_title=”15th of February 1983″ list_icon=”Defaults-circle” animation=”pulse” info_list_link_apply=”icon”]
Assistant Professor of Medicine and Consultant Endocrinologist, King Fahad
[/info_list_item][info_list_item list_title=”15th of February 1983″ list_icon=”Defaults-circle” animation=”pulse” info_list_link_apply=”icon”]
King Fahad University Hospital., Al-Khobar, Saudi Arabia.
[/info_list_item][info_list_item list_title=”1st of September 1981″ list_icon=”Defaults-circle” animation=”pulse” info_list_link_apply=”icon”]
Resident Doctor in “ Male Infertility to Clinic” with Dr. Wane Perry ( MRCP),
[/info_list_item][info_list_item list_title=”2nd of April 1981″ list_icon=”Defaults-circle” animation=”pulse” info_list_link_apply=”icon”]
Resident Doctor in the Department of to Dermatology and out- patient Department
[/info_list_item][info_list_item list_title=”31st of March 1981″ list_icon=”Defaults-circle” animation=”pulse” info_list_link_apply=”icon”]
Cairo University, Hospital, Cairo Egypt.
[/info_list_item][info_list_item list_title=”1st of August 1980″ list_icon=”Defaults-circle” animation=”pulse” info_list_link_apply=”icon”]
Senior Resident in the Department of to Andrology and Sexually Transmitted Diseases
[/info_list_item][info_list_item list_title=”31st of July 1980″ list_icon=”Defaults-circle” animation=”pulse” info_list_link_apply=”icon”]
( Kasir El- Ainy), Cairo, Egypt.
[/info_list_item][info_list_item list_title=”1st of January 1979″ list_icon=”Defaults-circle” animation=”pulse” info_list_link_apply=”icon”]
Resident Doctor in the Department of to Dermatology, Cairo University Hospital
[/info_list_item][info_list_item list_title=”1st of December 1977″ list_icon=”Defaults-circle” animation=”pulse” info_list_link_apply=”icon”]
Resident Doctor in Department of Venereology to And Andrology, Cairo Teaching Hospital 31st of December 1979
[/info_list_item][info_list_item list_title=”30th of Nov 1977 ” list_icon=”Defaults-circle” animation=”pulse” info_list_link_apply=”icon”]
Teaching Hospital, Cairo, Egypt.
[/info_list_item][info_list_item list_title=”1st of March 1977″ list_icon=”Defaults-circle” animation=”pulse” info_list_link_apply=”icon”]
Senior House Officer (SHO) in the Department to of Venereology and Andrology, Cairo
– Diagnostic Value of Seminal Vasovesiculography; Clinico-Radiological Diagnosis of Seminal Tract Obstruction ( Mastership Thesis)., 1997 I was involved in all the aspects of the research which included Microsurgery as testicular explorations and the allied procedures, also the Radiography.
– The Value and Indications of Testicular Biopsy in the Investigations of Infertility. ( A review of 300 Cases.) Proceedings of the Seventh Saudi Medical Meeting, King Faisal University, Dammam, May, 1982: Page 751.
– Evaluation of Infertility due to Varicocele by Semen Cytology and Testicular Biopsy Eighth Saudi Medical Conference., Abstract., National Guard, 1983: Page 213.
– Hormonal Profile of Semen, Peripheral Blood, and Spermatic Vein Blood in cases of Infertility Due to Varicocele. ( Doctorate Thesis), 1984. It was one of the most expensive thesis; the hormonal profile at that time were done by ( RIA) which was the only accurate method at its, time; I was involved in all its’ aspects as doing the Varicocelectomies, retrieving Blood and interpretation the results.
– A unique Case of Sertoli Cell only Syndrome ( Letter to the Editor) Fertility and Sterility; 1985; 4:187.
– Diagnostic Value of vaso-Seminal Vesiculography. Archives of Andrology.1985; 15:187-192.
– Vesiculography in Bilhariziasis. Presented in the Fourth Saudi Urological Meeting. Riyadth Central Hospital; 18 September 1986.
– Behcet’s Disease in Pregnancy. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. 1987;27:161-164.
– Recent Advances in Sexually Transmitted Diseases. Presented in the Continuing Medical Education Program, King Fahad University Hospital 1988.
– Minoxidil in Male Pattern Alopecia. Co-Investigator in multicentral study sponsored by UP-John, 1988.
– Topical, Oral and Intravenous Acyclovier in Treatment of herpes Genitalis. Presented in the, “ Second Saudi International symposium”, 1989.
– The Role of Andrology in the Infertility Treatment. Annals of Saudi Medicine, ( letter to the editor). 1989;9:4-96.
– Intralesional Injection of, “ Tetracosactid in the Treatment of Localized Vitiligo”. International Journal of Dermatology, ( correspondence), 1989;8:682.
– Naftafin, A Topical Allyamine Antifungal Versus Isoconazole Nitrate, Clotrimazole, and Econazole in Tinea Capitis, Corporis, Cruris et Pedis and Econazole in Tinea Capitis, Corporis, Cruris et Pedis and Pityriasis Versicolor. A multicentered, Randomised, Prospective and Open Clinical Trial. Journal of Pan Arab Leaggue of Dermatologists. 1993;2:93-97.
– Naftafin versus Miconazole / Hydrocortisone in Imflammatory Dermatophyte Infections. ( Clinical Multicenter Study). International Journal of Dermatology. 1994 August; 33(8) : 570-573.
– Micropigmentation in Treatment of Vitiligo. Presented in the 4th Congress of The Pan Arab League of Dermatologists. Held in Cairo, Egypt in the period between 31/11/1994 – 3/11/1994.
– Pigment Implantation in Treatment of Vitiligo. Presented in the 6th International Symposium of the Saudi Society of Dermatology and Venereology. Held in Al-Khobar, Saudi Arabia, In the period between 19/4/1998- 21/4/1998.
– 21th of march 2004 to 24th of March 2004
9th International Symposium to Saudi Society Dermatology & Dermatologic Surgery.
Al-Khobar, K.S.A.
– 15th of October 2003 to 18th of October 2003
12th EADV Congress To (European Academy of Dermatology & Venereology).
Barcelona, Spain.
– 22nd of September 2003 to 24th of September 2003
Eve 2003 International Beauty & Fitness to Conference and Exhibition.
Bahrain International Exhibition Centre, Bahrain.
– 10th of September 2003 to 11th of September 2003
Internatinal Symposium on Multi to Disciplinary Approach to Cancer.
Manama, Bahrain
– 6th of May 2003
Newfill International Course & Workshop
Riyadh, K.S.A.
– 26th of October 2002 to 29th of October 2002
8th Pan Arab Congress of Dermatosciences to Kingdom of Bahrain
Kingdom of Bahrain
– 2001
The International Society for the Study of Aging Male
– 11h of October 2000 to 15th of October 2000
9th Congress European Academy of to Dermatology & Venereology
Geveva, Switzerland
– 13th of October 2000
European Society for Laser Dermatology.
Geneva, Switzerland.
– 16th of April 2000 to 19th of April 2000
7th International Symposium to Saudi Society of dermatology & Venereology
Jeddah, K.S.A
– 9th of February 2000 to 13th of February 2000
2nd World Congress on Aging Male
Geneva, Switzerland.
– 3rd of February 2000 to 4th of February 2000
Basic Dermatologic Theraphy & Workshop
Al-Khobar, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
– 10th of May 1998 to 12th of May 1998
3rd International Symposium on Cosmeticto Efficacy.
Cologne, Germany.
– 3rd of October 1995 to 6th of October 1995
The Xith. Annual Meeting of the Egyptian to Society of Dermatology and Venereology.
Cairo, Egypt.
– 26th of March 1995 to 28th of March 1995
The Third International Cooperation to Counsel Conference. Sponsored by the league of Dermatologists and Venereologists
Manama, Bahrain.
– 31st of October 1994 to 3rd of June 1994
The Ivth congress of the Arab league of Dermatologist
Cairo, Egypt.
– 21st of April 1994 to 22nd of April 1994
Ares Serono Symposia. The topic was“ Male factor in Human Infertility”.
The American Hospital in Paris, France.
– 3rd of February 1994
by the “ Saudi Society of Dermatology and Venereology.”
Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
– 31st of January 1994
Fourth International Symposium for Dermatology and Venereology
– 12th of June 1992 to 18th of June 1992
The 18th Congress of Dermatology.
New York, USA.
– 22nd of May 1990 to 25th of May 1990
Clinical Dermatology Conference in the to Year 2000.
London, England.
– 10th of February 1990 to 14th of February 1990
The Sixth Zagazig International Conference of Dermatology and Venereology. Sponsored by Zagazig University.
Cairo, Egypt
– 13th of November 1989 to 16th of November 1989
The Second Conference of the “ Pan Arab League of Dermatologists”.
Cairo, Egypt.
– 14th of May 1989 to 18th of May 1989
Fourth International Congress of Andrology, sponsored by the “International Andrology Society”.
Florence, Italy.
– 18th of April 1989
Third Saudi Urological Meeting- Sponsored by The Saudi Urology Society.
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
– 21st of March 1989 to 23rd of March 1989
Second International Saudi Symposium sponsored by Ministry of Health (I was in the Directors Committee; I got Certificate of Appreciation.)
Jubail, Saudi Arabia.
– 11th of April 1988
Continuous Medical Education Program. (I was responsible about a session Entitled “ Dermarosis of Behcet’S Disease)
King Fahad University Hospital, Al-Khobar. Saudi Arabia.
– 11th of December 1986 to 13th of December 1986
The Second Egyptian Andrology Congress, sponsored by Faculty of medicine, Andrology Department.
– 30th of October 1983 to 3rd of November 1983
Eighth Saudi Medical Conference.
King Khalid Military Academy, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
– 3rd of may 1982 to 6th of May 1982
Seventh Saudi Medical meeting
King Faisal University, Dammam, Saudi Arabia.
– 26th of May 1977 to 31st of July 1977
Urology Clinics and Venereology Clinics (Under Supervision of Professor John Pryor)
Saint Peters Hospital, Saint Gail’s Hospital
– December 1994
Member of the, “American Academy of Dermatology.”
– 1st of May 1994
Member of the “Saudi Society of Dermatology and Venereology” This was after restructuring of the society.
– 18th of September 1989
Member of the, “American Society of Andrology”.
– 30th of December 1987
Registration and licensing in the, “Egyptian Medical Syndicate”. (as First Specialist After gaining the Doctorate Degree.)
– November 1984
Member of the, “Egyptian SocietyAndrology”.
– July 1984
Member of the, “American Society of Reproductive Medicine”. (was known at that time as, “ American Fertility Society”.)
– 1st of November 1980
Member of the, “Egyptian Society of Skin and Venereal Diseases”.
– 30th of September 1980
Registration in the Egyptian Medical Syndicate as “Assistant Specialist”. (After passing the Masteral Examination.)
– 09th of December 1987
License from Administration of Publicto Health Service in Egypt as Medical Practitioner.
– 1st of April 1986 to the 2nd of April 1986
Research workshop on the methodology of research: Learning by doing.
– 28th of January to the 1st of February of 1984
The workshop was sponsored and conducted by team from ( HARVARD UNIVERSITY).
My project entitled as, “ A Research About Idiopathic Male Infertility”. It Was a new dilemma at that time in Saudi Arabia.
– 14th of June 1992
Recent Advances in Andrology – Post graduate course; A 10 hours condensed course.
Florence, Italy.
– 10th of May to 12th of May 1998
Laser Workshop- A 10 hours course. Taken in course of activity of the 3rd International Symposium on Cosmetic Efficacy.
Cologne, Germany.
– June 1977
English First Certificate of Cambridge University.
Keloid Treatment By Radiosurgery and Topical Steroid. (a new adjunct therapy). A procedural dermatology method in its final preparations.