
Laser resurfacing is one of the most innovative ways to rejuvenate damaged skin, tackle signs of ageing and even out areas of discolouration in as little as 20 minutes per session. Addressing pigmentation, age spots, sun damage, acne scars and wrinkles, the method restores a refreshed appearance on the face and neckline without the need for excessive downtime.

We work with two main resurfacing treatments; ULTHERA ultrasound  and PALOMAR ICON Er-Yag-Glass  – chosen because of their noticeable results and flexibility around different complexions

The most common techniques for lip augmentation involve placement of a temporary filler substance into the lips. Traditionally, the only filler substance available had been collagen, but today a number of more exciting options are available. The most popular fillers used today include Restylane, Jovederm, and fat. Filler techniques for lip augmentation are performed in the office under topical (ice or numbing cream) anesthesia or local anesthesia (small injections to numb the lips). The recovery time for fillers is quite brief and the longevity of the results depends on the type of filler material used to augment the lips, but typically is in the range of 6 to 9 months. Other fillers used for lip augmentation include Articoll, CosmoDerm, CosmoPlast, Juvederm, Perlane, Restylane Fine Line, Zyderm, and Zyplast.

Injectable micro-implant fillers are non-absorbable (i.e. permanent) synthetic beads which are so small, that they can be injected into the lips with a needle. All of these fillers have a gelatinous component in which the beads are suspended and which gradually absorbs, much the same way as temporary fillers. The combination of the synthetic beads that will stay permanently and some collagen production surrounding these beads will produce the permanent lip augmentation. Newfill, or Sculptra, was recently FDA-approved as an injectable micro-implant filler for cheek and midface augmentation. Some of the other more common injectable micro-implant fillers available in Europe and Canada are Aquamid, Artecoll or Artefill, Arteplast, DermaDeep, and DermaLive

Mesotherapy is a technique, invented in 1952 by Dr. Michel Pistor, where medication is injected into the dermis which is the middle layer of skin. Over the past 50+ years, in excess of 15,000 physicians world-wide have used Mesotherapy on a daily basis for a variety of purposes, including overall weight loss, spot weight reduction, cellulite reduction, hair loss, scar revision and wrinkle elimination.

In 1987, the French Academy of Medicine recognized Mesotherapy as an inherent part of traditional medicine. The International Society of Mesotherapy encompasses 14 countries throughout Europe and South America.

In Mesotherapy, very small doses of different medications are administered in specific areas, depending on the condition being treated. The medicines and plant extracts that we use at Skinovative Laser Center are obtained from local pharmaceutical companies in the United States. All medicines used are FDA-approved for their use. In combination, medicines for Mesotherapy are used for off-line purposes. A recent illustration of this distinction is Botox. Although Botox was FDA approved for controlling muscle spasms, the medical community embraced it for its cosmetic properties of controlling wrinkles. For many years, plastic surgeons and dermatologists used Botox for off-line purposes

Botox is the trade name of Botulinum Toxin Type A. When injected into the muscles of the forehead, Botox blocks the nerve impulses that cause frown lines. In effect, the action of frowning is stopped, and frown lines diminish dramatically.

The results of Botox treatments start to appear in 3 to 10 days. The treated forehead and eyebrow muscles will start to gradually regain their action over 3 to 6 months, so repeat treatments are necessary. Botox is also utilized to lift the lateral eye brows, correct facial asymmetry, and even to treat severe underarm sweating. Botox has been approved by the Food and Drug Administration and has been in clinical use since 1989.

Chemical Peels have been used for decades to revitalize and resurface skin. They involve applying a chemical solution to remove the damaged outer layers of skin and reveal a younger, clearer, more radiant complexion. They are commonly performed on the face, chest and hands.

Light, medium and deep peels penetrate to different levels and, consequently, produce different aesthetic results. Generally, the deeper the peel penetrates, the more profound the results, but the more lengthy the recovery period.

An individual’s skin type, degree of damage and personal expectations will help determine which of the following chemical peels is most appropriate.

At Skinovative Laser Center, we offer a full line of light chemical peels that involve the use of either buffered Trichloraecetic Acid (TCA) with different concentations.

Formulated in an all-natural aloe vera base and combined with free-radical fighting vitamins, the products and treatments make a visible difference in your skin’s appearance. They are dermatologically formulated and free of color additives, fragrances, harsh alcohols, comedogenic oils and other ingredients that are known sensitizers.

Light Chemical Peels Improve:

  • Melasma
  • Fine lines & wrinkles
  • Acne / mild acne scarring
  • Weathered sun-damaged skin
  • Hyper pigmentation
  • Freckles – age spots
  • Dull, drab complexions

Optimal improvement in skin texture and color is obtained with multiple peels performed two to four weeks apart. However, a single peel performed a week before a special event will give your complexion a healthy, radiant glow.

Light peels are performed by a medical esthetician. The process usually takes 30 to 45 minutes and although some patients’ faces may seem a bit pink afterwards, there is no “downtime” and makeup can be applied immediately after the treatment. You can return to your normal schedule right away (though we recommend allowing the skin to breath for up to 24 hours post treatment). Two to three days following an ultra light peel, patients may experience temporary flaking, dryness and scaling, which can be controlled with a topical emollient.

Microdermabrasion greatly enhances poor, dull skin texture by gently resurfacing the topmost skin layers. Tiny, medical-grade crystals are vacuumed across the outer surface of the skin, stimulating the underlying epidermial layers. This promotes generation of new collagen which thickens the dermis and improves resistance to the effects of aging.

Microdermabrasion is performed in a doctor’s office and requires no anesthesia. Using a precision hand piece that directs a stream of very fine, chemically inert crystals and mild suction where needed on the skin, the gently abrasive action exfoliates the outermost layers of the skin. The doctor or technician can control the power of the spray, from a gentle buffing of the skin to deeper exfoliation where needed. At a low power, microdermabrasion might be compared to results similar to those of glycolic acid peels. A full-face treatment generally takes 30 to 40 minutes.

Following the treatment, your skin appears lightly pink, but there is no oozing or obvious redness. Some patients say their face feels as if their skin has been mildly sun- or wind-burned. The skin may peel. In the case of a deeper treatment level for more blemished or thicker skins, the skin will appear slightly red and swollen from a few hours to a few days. Similar to a light peel, the procedure can improve fine lines and wrinkles, blackheads and whiteheads, superficial pigmentation, and give the skin a healthy-looking glow. It may be used in conjunction with chemical peel or laser skin resurfacing.

Individuals who don’t want to undergo the time, expense, discomfort, longer healing time, and possible side effects of alternative skin resurfacing treatments such as chemical peel, dermabrasion or laser skin resurfacing, and have fairly minor skin problems: fine lines, mild acne, blotches, pigmentation, small scars.

What are the benefits of Micro-Dermabrasion over other procedures?

  • There is less recovery time.
  • There is minimal discomfort
  • You can resume normal activities immediately

Although stretch marks resemble scars, they actually aren’t. Instead, stretch marks appear the way they do because the upper layer of skin is laying over gaps in the lower layer of skin that have been created by stretched or torn elastin fibers. These unsightly marks often appear following rapid gains in body size that abruptly stretch the skin. Stretch marks often originally appear as bands of wrinkled skin, starting out as pink, red, or purple streaks, and then later becoming silvery white. Stretch marks often appear during times of hormonal changes such as puberty or pregnancy. In fact, about half of all women develop them on the abdomen or breasts during pregnancy. Since the tendency to develop stretch marks appears to be inherited, there is no sure way to prevent them.

It is often possible to improve the appearance of stretch marks. Overall, newer stretch marks respond better to treatment than stretch marks that are several years old. In general, some patients respond better than others so it is difficult to determine how much improvement any one individual can achieve. The appearance of the stretch marks might be improved minimally, or even up to 50% – 60% or better. At Skinovative, we recommend an initial, low cost test area prior to undergoing full treatment, just to insure the treatment offers results.

We have designed a comprehensive program for improving stretch marks combining several different clinically proven treatment modalities. The first step of the protocol is to use non–invasive lasers and light based treatments to help increase collagen and elastin, and to improve discoloration. The second step is to smooth the surface of the skin using treatments like microdermabrasion and light chemical peels. The third component of treatment is home use of topical skin products. These three steps combined then lead to a gradual reduction in the appearance of stretch marks over a 3 to 6 month period.

There are many different kinds of scars, but all scars occur as part of the skin’s healing process when subjected to injury.

Not every scar can be reduced or removed, but with the help of lasers, many can be improved. It is very important that the original injury is fully healed prior to considering any treatment.

Some scars can be improved surgically, while others are best treated with laser. Raised scars can often be smoothed with laser resurfacing. Depressed scars, like acne scars, typically benefit from non-invasive lasers that stimulate collagen.

Skin tags, otherwise known as achrochordon, are soft, skin-colored growths that hang from the surface of the skin on thin pieces of tissue called stalks. They are not any form of skin cancer, and do not have the potential to become skin cancer, either.

Skin tags are most commonly found on men and women aged 60 or older, and are quite often found on women after pregnancy. They can also be inherited from other family members. Removal procedures in the past have included freezing or lancing, but with laser removal, there is far less chance of scarring. A high-powered, high-intensity laser pulse can remove your skin tags within minutes

There are different types of moles, and different reasons for wanting them removed. A mole may simply be a nuisance – rubbing against clothing, or getting in the way of shaving. Or perhaps you just find it unattractive. The most important reason to have a mole removed is if it seems atypical in anyway. For example, one that has changed in size and appearance, bleeds, is asymmetrical, is not uniform in color, has ragged edges, or in any other way seems unusual. In this case it is very important to have it examined by your doctor.

Mole removal usually causes very little discomfort since the area is typically numbed prior to the procedure.

The most common way to remove a mole is through surgical excision. The mole may be “shaved” off or “cut” out. Stitches may or may not be necessary, depending on the depth of the mole and the cosmetic outcome desired.

Your practitioner may also opt to cauterize the mole to help stop any bleeding. Following the procedure a bandage may be applied. After a mole is removed, a scab will develop and then heal within 1-2 weeks. Any redness around the area should disappear within 2-4 weeks. There is a risk of scarring with mole removal, however, if a scar does occur it usually fades with time.

Brown spots that appear on the skin are known by many names: sunspots, age spots, liver spots, and freckles.

A few scattered freckles on the face might be considered cute, but when years of sun damage begin to add up, the results are anything but. Most pigmented lesions can be directly attributed to overexposure to the sun’s damaging ultraviolet rays. Preventative measures should always be taken by using sunscreen and avoiding the sun. This won’t correct any damage already done, but it can help keep pigment problems from getting any worse.

There are different treatments available to reduce unwanted brown spots. The type of lesion will determine the best method for removing it. The information here will lay out the general methods. Your Skinovative practitioner will determine which treatment process is right for you.

Laser Removal: Individual sunspots and freckles respond very well to laser treatment. The laser light is absorbed by the pigment, thereby lightening or destroying it, and leaving the skin looking uniform in color and texture. Most patients tolerate the treatment very well, describing the sensation to be like the snap of a rubber band. After treatment, the area may feel similar to a slight sunburn. Within an hour to a day, discomfort disappears. Results are seen within 2 to 30 days, depending on the lesion and exact type of laser used.

Cyro Surgery: Some types of skin lesions like actinic keratoses or warts, for example, are best removed by freezing with liquid nitrogen. There is mild discomfort and a brief healing period with this type of treatment, and it offers a good outcome with little risk of scarring.

Intense Pulsed Light: When sun damage or pigment is more widespread, a series of Intense Pulsed Light treatments may be recommended. This non-invasive, no downtime approach offers other benefits as well. It can reduce facial flushing and broken capillaries, increase your skin’s own natural collagen, and help to improve fine lines and wrinkles


Spider veins are small, thin capillaries that lie close to the surface of the skin. They are connected to a larger venous system, though they are not an essential part of it since they do not actually carry blood to the heart. While spider veins and flushed skin don’t usually indicate a major medical problem, most people would be happy to be rid of them. Unfortunately, spider veins won’t disappear on their own, but advanced treatment is available to easily and safely remove them.

Spider veins form when excess blood backs up in the blood stream. The excess blood creates pressure. The body releases the pressure by creating new veins on the skin’s surface. The primary problem with spider veins is their unsightly appearance, but they can also cause aching, swelling, burning.

People within certain ethic groups are often more prone to spider veins, so heredity certainly plays a role. So can hormone therapy and oral contraceptives. Aging related to sun damage is also a big contributor. Ultraviolet light exposure is one of the more controllable factors in preventing facial veins, so avoiding the sun and using sunscreen is recommended. Facial veins and flushed skin are also commonly seen with rosacea, a chronic but treatable skin condition.

Light and laser technology offer excellent results in reducing spider veins and facial redness. At Skinovative Laser Center we’re able to provide you with two distinct options for eliminating spider veins and flushing of the face:

1. Laser Treatment: Lasers are an excellent modality for spot treating larger facial veins. Our laser delivers precise dosages of energy to each vein, with minimal risk to surrounding the skin. During treatment, light energy is delivered through a special hand piece directly to the targeted vein. This energy is absorbed, causing thermal coagulation of the blood vessel. Over a short period of time the vessel is then absorbed by the body. One treatment is sometimes sufficient, but multiple treatments may be necessary.

2. Intense Pulsed Light Therapy: Also known as IPL or Photo Facial, this treatment offers superior results when treating a whole network of tiny facial veins and the associated flushed look of the skin. There is usually no downtime with this procedure, and it typically requires 4 to 6 treatments. People with mild to severe rosacea really appreciate the outcome, noting an 80 to 90% overall reduction in facial redness.

Once a vein or vessel has been destroyed, it will not return. However the treatment is not able to stop the development of more veins in the future. Patients who have had laser or IPL could certainly see new facial veins over time, especially those who continue on with unprotected sun exposure. Sunscreen is recommended for everyone, and it can be preventative for people prone to facial veins.


Spider veins and varicose veins are often lumped together, but they are actually very different conditions. Varicose veins are caused by faulty valves in the venous system, creating twisted and swollen veins. Varicose veins are larger, darker and tend to bulge with a rope-like texture on the skin’s surface. Varicose veins are also more likely to cause pain and be related to more serious vein disorders.

In contrast, spider veins are smaller and closer to the skin’s surface in a branch-like or linear formation. Treatment of varicose veins is generally considered outside the realm of cosmetic surgery and patients are often referred to a vascular surgeon.

Millions of men and women are bothered by spider veins-those small, unsightly clusters of red, blue, or purple veins that usually appear on the thighs, calves and ankles and occasionally on the face. An estimated fifty percent of the adult female population and fifteen to twenty percent of men share this cosmetic problem.

Spider veins are small, thin capillaries that lie close to the surface of the skin. They are connected to a larger venous system, though they are not an essential part of it since they do not actually carry blood to the heart.

Many factors can contribute to the development of spider veins, including: pregnancy, weight gain, chronic sun exposure, activities that demand prolonged standing or sitting, heredity and certain medications, such as birth control pills or hormone replacement medication.

Spider veins form when excess blood backs up in the blood stream. The excess blood creates pressure. The body releases the pressure by creating new veins on the skin’s surface. The primary problem with spider veins is their unsightly appearance, but they can also cause aching, swelling, burning and night cramps in legs.

Sclerotherapy treatment is fairly simple: The skin around the spider veins is cleaned with an antiseptic solution. Then the doctor pulls the skin tight around the spider vein area while injecting a chemical solution into the vein. Skinovative Laser Center is pleased to offer the only FDA-approved sclerosing agent available in the US, a solution called Sotradecol. Sotradecol causes inflammation, which stops the blood flow within the veins. When blood stops flowing, the veins collapse. The collapsed vein wall seals itself and the vein is absorbed back into the surrounding tissue.

Sclerotherapy requires no anesthetic; pain is minimal due to the thin needle used and the mild sclerosing solution. The procedure takes fifteen minutes to an hour or more, depending on the number and size of the spider veins being treated. Anywhere from five to forty injections are given per treatment session, and it may take two to four sessions to rid the area of spider veins—especially for patients with more extensive spider vein conditions.

The majority of persons who have completed their treatment with sclerothrapy alone or in combination with surger will see good to excellent improvement in their vein problems. Unfortunately, however, there is no guarantee that sclerotherapy will be effective in every case. Approximately 10 percent of patients who undergo sclerotherapy have results that range from poor to fair with no vein disappearance after a few treatments.

Following the injections, the treated area is wrapped in a compressed bandage or stocking, and the patient is sent home. The bandage can be removed after five days. There may be slight itching for a day or two after the treatment owing to a mild release of histamine from the treated blood vessels.

The number of treatments needed to clear or improve the condition differs from patient to patient, depending on the extent of varicose and spider veins present. One to six treatments may be needed; the average is two to four.